Please register to become a member of HarBUG and support our aims. Membership is FREE.
As a member you will receive an email when a new post is added to the site or a new topic is added to any of the forums. You can then decide whether to subscribe to that topic to receive notifications of any replies. Being a member also allows you to create new topics to the forums.
On the registration form username, name and password fields must be filled in. The other fields are optional but will help us to know where people are cycling in from, how often etc.
Once the submit button has been pressed your application will reviewed by the HarBUG team and, subject to approval, a confirmation email sent through to you containing your login details including password. You can change your password after logging in for the first time.
Please see our constitution for data protection statement: HarBUG Constitution
Anybody working on the Harwell Campus may register for membership. Other parties may register but membership will be accepted at the discretion of HarBUG.
Helping HarBUG
As mentioned above, membership is free but if you would like to help our activities and campaigns please donate to HarBUG. We can do more with a regular monthly amount.
Please donate or set up a standing order to the following account:
- Account Name: Harwell Bicycle Users Group
- Sort Code: 30-93-93
- Account no.: 00757793
Notes on Registering:
- If you are joining HarBUG but don’t cycle to work please fill in the ‘Cycling in From’ field as ‘ Non – Cyclist’.
- If you are using rail to get to Didcot Parkway and cycling from there please fill in the ‘Cycling in From’ field as ‘ Didcot – Rail’.
- If you work for UKRI-STFC please fill in the ‘Campus Organisation’ field with just STFC and not RAL or ISIS or CLF etc.
Register for Membership: